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Live a Little 

Written and directed by Paul Gilchrist

Performed by Sylvia Marie Keays

Lighting design by Artie Hotchkies


Mon 19 - Thurs 22 April

a part of the KXT Popupstairs season in the Bordello

with thanks to KX Hotel 

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Image by Leandro Villamil

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Life’s tough.

So you gotta reward yourself, right?

A treat here. A perk there.

So says Tilly.

And what could be the harm in that?

Live a Little is a hilarious and heartbreaking exploration

of those little leave passes we grant ourselves.

"this production is one to see,

with a beautiful and memorable script by Paul Gilchrist

and a stellar performance

by Sylvia Marie Keays"

Theatre Travels

“ a superb monologue….

Keays hits the ball out of the park

with her spectacular performance”

Weekend Notes

"Sylvia Marie Keays is a gun performer…

You’ll laugh a lot at LIVE A LITTLE.

You will probably shed a tear or two, too.

So brimming with humanity and humour,

its brilliant handling of language

by both writer and performer,

LIVE A LITTLE has a lot to offer.


Sydney Arts Guide

“See it if possible.

Sylvia is enchanting, authentic and so much Tilly,

that it is almost a surprise

that when her performance ends Sylvia Keays remerges to take the applause”

South Sydney Herald

“Sylvia Marie Keays is utterly wonderful….

LIVE A LITTLE is as moving as it is amusing,

KXT Popupstairs (and subtlenuance)

have chosen a gem to jointly relaunch in 2021”

Chuck Moore Reviews

"Played with brilliant endearment by Sylvia Marie Keays….

LIVE A LITTLE brings a unique character to the stage"

Reviews by Judith

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Morning Star

featuring some of Sydney's most exciting established and emerging writers

Flight Path Theatre

June 23 to July 4

Unfortunately, this production was COVID interrupted and, of the ten planned performances, only the first two nights of the Week One program (First Horn) were performed.

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Morning Star


First Horn (23 – 27 June)

(Only 23 & 24 June were performed)


Written by Shauntelle Benjamin, Mark Langham, Melita Rowston, Peter Maple and Catherine Zimdahl


Performed by Zachary Bush, Cormac Costello, Zoe Crawford, Sarah Furnari, Sonya Kerr, Demitra Sealy, Olivia Suleimon, Michael Smith and Esther Williams


Directed by Paul Gilchrist

Assistant director Kate Wooden



Second Horn (30 June – 4 July)

(Due to COVID this program was not performed)


Written by Donna Abela, John AD Fraser, Callum McLean, Roslyn Hicks and Kel Vance


Performed by Georgia Britt, Garreth Cruikshank, Nyssa Hamilton, Richard Holborn, Simon Lee, Susie Lindeman, Linda Nicholls-Gidley, Eli Saad and Dominic Stone 


Directed by Daniela Giorgi

Assistant Director Kobi Taylor-Forder


Stage Manager Tom Massey

Lighting Design Artie Hotchkies


The stories we tell matter.

They teach us to see

and how to be.

They help us flourish.


Except when they don’t.

Some stories

whisper hope

yet deliver despair,

speak joy

but yield misery,

promise paradise

and bar the gates.


These are the stories told in Hell.


Our brilliant writers delve into the darkness to find,

that though the devil may have two horns,

he’s got more than a single tale!

And from the few reviewers who braved the circumstances on our opening (and as it turned out closing) night:

“well directed by Paul Gilchrist, who asked his five writers to write pieces that explored a pernicious idea. Each writer took the challenge with great results…. Gilchrist takes all these disparate short stories and dramatizes them into one cohesive piece with imaginative blocking, simply props and set, and great use of the ensemble cast….DON’T MISS THIS”



it’s refreshing to see a theatre production dealing with important issues so fearlessly……a powerful, relatable and engaging production”

Theatre Travels


"Devilishly fun......Excellent theatre not to be missed"

Chuck Moore Reviews

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Image by Tom Massey

This production received assistance from 2021 NSW Performing Arts Covid Support Package

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